Recent Comments

7/3/22, 5:38 AM
Hot and cute!

7/3/22, 10:41 AM
thanks for the support @Martin :D
7/3/22, 6:05 AM
Since Carter is getting dumbed down, I think the easiest way for a dumb spellcaster to cast spell would be channelling mana through an already drawn spell formula, aka magical tattoos. Of course, D&D doesn't work that way, but it is one of the plausible route for him to continue the path of dumb spellcaster.
7/2/22, 5:53 PM
Unbelievably hot. Ass upgrades all day. Can’t be teasing them all chapter without going through with it!

7/3/22, 1:30 AM
@ Glad you liked it!
7/2/22, 5:21 PM
I vote for Custom Special Ability to improve casting for the same reason as ChronoSeth - I want Carter to "win" in the end, since Rusty is such a dick. Hopefully the dumbing down is temporary (just b/c it says "permanent" doesn't mean it can't be fixed by a new mechanic or spell) and Rusty gets his comeuppance

7/3/22, 1:30 AM
@AnonDragon Oh yeah, "permanent" functionally means those points don't come back after the original ability/spell/etc ends, not that future things can't change those stats.
7/2/22, 4:44 PM
FIrst another super hot chapter. Gotta love a small Dom/ big sub story and this one is delivering in spades. Second I'd say poor Carter is probably too dumb to use those points well. He probably knows that there could be a way out of this but can't figure what that could possibly be. Because when you're dumb and full of cum you just want more cock. Which makes me think he'd Grow Rusty's Dick.

7/3/22, 1:27 AM
@fanboi214 Thanks! I never dreamed I'd be writing small dom/big sub dynamics, so glad it's working for people!
7/3/22, 12:13 AM
Grow Rusty's dick
7/2/22, 10:42 PM
Custom special ability that will allow Carter to win in the end. I don't want him to be a dumb jock permanently
7/2/22, 8:05 PM
Rusty’ dick, of course. But really make him agonize of the decision first, the dumb jockslut!
7/2/22, 4:08 PM
Grow rusty's dick, he was already eyeing up dusty's package, might as well equalise them
7/2/22, 3:28 PM
So fucking good. Wow