Vince at the Gym

A gay man who is approaching 40 goes back to his old gym to get back in shape after a long relationship ends. But the small, young man at the desk wants to give the older man a hard time.
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A gay man approaching 40 returns to his old gym to get back in shape after the breakup of a long relationship. Now it's his turn to taste the supplement that had worked on the young clerk from the gym.
A gay man approaching 40 returns to his old gym to get back in shape after the breakup of a long relationship. The young desk attendant begins his transformation process.
A gay man approaching 40 returns to his old gym to get back in shape after the breakup of a long relationship. The young desk attendant takes a big step.
A gay man who is approaching 40 goes back to his old gym to get back in shape after a long relationship ends. But the small, young man at the desk wants to give the older man a hard time.