Apr 20, 2023

### Branching Stories [Philip K](/user/show/10022196) not only did a marvelous job organizing the latest story challenge, he also submitted a series himself called ["Slut Brand"](/series/show/10002893) which is a perfect example of a branching "choose your own adventure" storyline. ["The Grandfather's Gift"](/series/show/403955) is a collaboration of multiple authors working on a shared premise with alternate paths. It has been extended with a [new chapter](/story/show/10006362) recently. Anyone can join in to extend this story or add paths of their own. So, if you ever wanted to create a storyline with alternative paths, remember that you can create such a series yourself! [Check out this for details on how to do it](https://forum.gaykinkystories.com/t/branching-interactive-series). ### Funding the site The costs of hosting the sites are rising all the time, and I had to compensate for that out of my own pocket. Now I was forced to increase the target for the monthly Sponsus donations, which is why the target-indicator shown on the sites has now dropped significantly. Also, I'm considering an option for getting some additional funding. Please check out this [forum thread for the discussion about this](https://forum.gaykinkystories.com/t/collaboration-with-gay-harem/5189/18?u=martin).