Recent Comments

1/28/24, 8:13 AM
Great opening chapter - well constructed plot and characters- Charles’ modified behaviour and feelings are working really well and drawing me in. Ive often fantasised myself about what would it be like for my life to be taken over and totally changed sexually- so I’m going to enjoy reading more.
1/28/24, 3:41 AM
I’m so excited for some dad and son fun time.
1/27/24, 2:21 AM
I was wandering what town in Kansas one would find the Double B Ranch as I started this chapter. Worlds cross, do worlds collide?

1/27/24, 1:31 PM
@[TexMuscle](/user/show/10002223) I had a realization a few years ago that most of my stories set in a "rural" atmosphere always end up in Kansas. Honestly, I think it's the influence of Superman comics growing up -- that Smallville really made an impression. I have directly connected the Pholus universe to the Pollination universe with the shared character of Wolf Murdock. But even though the Bowden Farm has shown up in this story, it's not intended to be the same reality as Pollination, just an inside joke to long-time readers.

1/27/24, 7:09 PM
@[absman420](/user/show/162063) I've noticed your geographical motif of Kansas. There's certainly some Superman in there, but I also think it's the paradox that your works often have a very Americanized Tom of Finland sensibility: your characters often fit into archetypes of American masculinity and manhood, particularly stereotypical "smalltown" America- the Coach, the Sheriff, the Biker, the Homecoming King, etc. But much like dear old Tom, you push those archetypes into an exaggerated, almost performative place that is always erotic and often slyly camp: the Village People if they were buff and made their own porn! And of course, the celebration of the implicit sexuality of these American archetypes flies in the face of the cultural conservativism these characters are often surrounded by. Personal queer liberation is achieved by embodying American masculinity to a parodic degree- the only way to Get Out is to Go Deeper!

1/27/24, 8:32 PM
@[ParadoxBear](/user/show/10002417) First of all, that was a brilliant observation -- thesis worthy? Perhaps my smalltown-ness reflects my own upbringing, a small "village" in upstate New York, population -- cows! There were less than a hundred in my graduating class and we had VERY LIMITED exposure to gay iconography. (I remember discovering Arnold in a Playboy my dad had stashed in his closet.) I still have fantasies about some of my high school coaches. ("Lidster" ring a bell to anyone?)

1/28/24, 1:02 AM
@[absman420](/user/show/162063) I think our favored male archetypes and “job” kinks are defined by the men we are surrounded by in childhood. I didn’t have any male teachers in grade school, but I had lots of uncles… Oh, and it occurs to me that the Kansas thing also invokes The Wizard of Oz! Pulled out of boring, sepia-tone reality into a bright, colorful world of wonder and peril! Muscle growth, mind control, sex slaves, oh my!
1/27/24, 4:38 PM
You should consider a one night stand where your characters meet and their erotic gifts cum together in tribute to our unassuming author. Imagine Coach being dosed with the Littleman's formula by Big Budd, Mimbo Drops being offered by Sammy, King Rex's growth wave, suckling on Eric the Bull's muscle tit while Eric has his cock buried in the ass of his next milk cow. Pholus is lining up Coach's cock to create a hybrid mythological creature. The Variants walk in with a potted plant larger than a ficus, the three of them grew for the man that created them out of lust.
1/27/24, 3:40 PM
Man that’s so hot. I love them helplessly watching the other resist and eventually give in. I want to see them become fully enslaved after resisting with all their might. Well done!
1/27/24, 12:42 PM
5/5 Glad to see my favorite story back. Can't wait for Chapter 6.
1/27/24, 11:16 AM
Love reading ur stories edging myself picturing ur toy
1/27/24, 10:26 AM
Another hot chapter. I hope Bradley and Stellato end up together.
1/27/24, 9:11 AM
Love the series and thanks for the newest chapter! Hope to see more soon and where you take it
1/27/24, 7:24 AM
Yet another great chapter, the dad is totally under the control of his son and soon the rev will be - Excellent