Recent Comments

1/27/21, 12:11 PM
a shame tyrell had to lose i liked him and hoped he would win, but what a fun punishment lets hope nate takes the gold now
1/26/21, 11:56 AM
Our Army will surely return. You will see.
1/26/21, 12:50 AM
Thanks for the input, Guys.
1/26/21, 12:49 AM
Thanks for the comments on Ch. 1 & Ch. 2, vicbiguy3. I hadn't thought about a 3rd chapter, but your suggestion makes me give it thought.
1/26/21, 12:45 AM
Great stuff! Hope you do a third chapter, tell us what happens to Jack/Tkan. Hope he comes back to the tribe.
1/26/21, 12:31 AM
I am delighted with this story, I have friends who have visited New Guinea and they tell me you have described it well. Love the illustrations, could use a little more detail about the events but great and can't wait t read the sequel .
1/25/21, 10:53 PM
It was fast-paced as those above have stated, but the writing and concept were great! And a very hot plot! My bit of critique is, you gave too many details at the beginning about the end. Sort of like standing in line for a movie and the people coming out of the last showing tell you how it ends. I'm fine with hinting at the ending, at the beginning, but you revealed quite a bit before the story started. Still, I thought this was very hot, got me REAL excited and horny! :-)
1/25/21, 2:29 PM
Eliminate Ryan and turn him into a urinal while stopping the others from using any other urinal and therefore having to piss down Ryan's throat.
1/25/21, 1:42 PM
I cant get over how hot and amazing your stories are. You are DEFINITELY a writer.