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Dec 29, 2020
10/13/21, 3:18 AM
This was a really good read!!! Well done!
10/13/21, 2:40 AM
werewolf pls
10/12/21, 10:37 PM
Option 2 pleaseeee ;)
10/12/21, 10:04 PM
There's a lot of feedback I need to put together but I'll have to edit it in over the day because I've been tired. To start though, it's quite clear he'd fit into a police community so feeling ostracized is unlikely. Police act like him though we know very little of how he treats others socially, his behavior is pretty on par for American police, though the initial confrontation likely would have had a gun aimed at the pups if they weren't putting their paws against the wall to be searched and likely would have had him request back up as well. Since Bright was toxic and Ruby was abusive those two can't be the good cop psychologically, as we determine our impressions of people within about 2 minutes typically. It's difficult to say honestly what Titan would be seen as because the officer consciously knows he's the ring leader of this gang of homosexuals in his mind and they couldn't abuse him or degrade him without permission. So can Titan portray himself not as the stern captor allowing the abuse? Not unless he visibly punishes the others for their abuse. That could lead to a different presentation perhaps. The idea of punishing others to manipulate the officer while only punishing them solely for that purpose is an interesting one. I'm actually a bit disappointed we haven't actually seen much actual pup play going on in the story either. It feels more like a label just meaning dog masks and toys and a hierarchy. There doesn't feel like a real canine roleplay with headspace is going on. Everyone acts human too. As an aside I'll point out you don't actually shame a dog having an accident. If within two minutes some argue 30 seconds you can just take them outside or to a pad to teach them. Shame and pushing them in the spot or degradation actually harms canine development. I'll re read it later to comment on some of the physical such as the purple and black bruising which shows internal damage. Its going a different way than I expected when I started reading from the first chapter. Curious how you'll lead it to its conclusion.
10/12/21, 9:19 PM
Awesome story,hope there's more.
10/12/21, 6:21 AM
The admission it excited him but he's confused why feels a little flat and unrealistic. The random submission to drink a bottle doesn't seem like much of a big deal. The timeline does tho. He wakes up after a dream that's probably really too soon to be having especially after the brutality from earlier which would be on his mind instead, gets fed a bottle and then pretty quickly goes back to sleep. I kind of was more interested in the initial dream and seeing where that went granted he needs anal recovery. As I said earlier I think a good cop approach would have been much better since we're avoiding, magic, drone tech, and other fantasy elements in many other stories. Making him feel his tender behind and grabbing his balls might be enticing but for the purpose of changing someone just a bit it's unlikely to work. A different good cop would be needed, ideally someone who helps after a hard time. Another approach to take could be stockholme syndrome or similar, but that takes a while. The therapy method also just isn't really the case with most horrible bullies (And as a sidenote there's two now maybe three given how Titan acted. Bright already identifying himself as one as well, whatever you want to call it to make him seem not as bad). They choose to be horrible because they denigrate others in their minds and gain power from it. His homophobia isn't fear but toxicity and as a result he won't ever shake from it unless someone pretty much saves his life and even that might not be enough. He still needs a doctor too. As always, I am curious how it'll develop.

10/12/21, 4:04 PM
10/12/21, 1:36 PM
I kinda feel bad for Trevor. I mean, he took care of the others and on their first chance they betrayed him (though I didn't understand if all them came back to normal minus one inch or if Trevor is fucked (no pun intended) for life) Anyway, definitely option 2. Seems like the one with the most potential and with the added plus it will show them that they can gain from working with the cards

10/12/21, 1:52 PM
@easdf I agree with you about Trevor, can you throw him a bone
10/12/21, 11:45 AM
It just occurred to me what a little devil Ruby is. He gave Christian a couple of suppositories and then proceeded to pass him off to Titan without warning him. That should be hilarious when it plays out. I can't wait.
Oct 10, 2021
10/12/21, 11:27 AM
I love listening to old school leathermen talk about their experiences so much. Thank you for sharing this story and these insights with us.
10/12/21, 11:22 AM
This was excellent! Creative idea and you handled the plot great even though you have a lot of characters. I'm a bit confused about the sex videos scene though. Who was that man and how did he get in? Also (and mostly) I'm surprised that Trevor just let him go without beating his ass or demanding that he will take the videos off the internet. Seemed like the obvious thing to do and Trevor is a clever and kind hearted man (you can tell who's my favorite)