Recent Comments

10/20/21, 3:22 PM
cant wait for more! phenomenal story so far
10/19/21, 11:47 PM
This was an excellent story. It was so interesting to see Pigtown from the other side. Prior to this the only Pigtown story I'd read was the one about the police precinct - which is an outstanding story in its own right, but it's really outside Pigtown looking in at the darkness and madness and not fully appreciating the seductive nature of it - just the grim acceptance that someday they will all be sucked into the void.
10/19/21, 4:29 PM
As per above, I'd say mildy annoying and then some. Good chapter. I felt empathy for Vanhella and glad to see him moving along. I loved how he pushed back to take the tail. Good pup! I can't wait to find out what his name is going to be.
Conversion Enthusiast
10/19/21, 4:43 AM
I'm intrigued by the snake scales! it seems like rejection of the light automatically makes one an enemy of the pharaoh although i also cant tell if he just imagined it. i suppose ill have to wait and see but i liked this chapter! the army grows!
10/19/21, 12:25 AM
You made Bright lose his temper at exactly the right time. As a reader, I had had just enough of Vanhella's attitude. When Bright put his boot on the pig pup's chest and threatened him with neutering for using the Faggot word again, I almost rose from my chair to clap. Beta Bright is not to be trifled with. Vanhella still has rage and hatred. I look forward to the process of him becoming an obedient, compliant and loyal dog. Woof! This chapter was hot. Thank you.
10/18/21, 8:00 PM
I look forward to seeing Vhanella's transformation. His anger and defiance is palpable which leads even more to the desire to watch him submit. Woof!
10/18/21, 1:22 AM
10/18/21, 12:21 AM
I love that the pack is actually trying to fix Skippy/Christian. What could have been a short kinky homophobe/revenge story became something with a lot more depth and commentary about how society produces our own villains.
10/17/21, 11:40 PM
Big fan! of this story! I always felt like fantasy stories were under represented on this site. lad to see it being explored!
10/17/21, 5:07 PM
i love this story so much