Recent Comments

1/17/22, 12:31 AM
This was soooo hot. Well done for your first story. Love a pup play story. Please continue this story. I would love to see Tony go to the shelter and become collared and trained as an obediant pup.
1/16/22, 4:58 PM
Well done!!
1/15/22, 7:33 PM
an incredibly written story! i was very invested and i love how you write submissiveness without necessarily a dominant masculine

1/15/22, 11:12 PM
@Tyrol I am so glad to hear you enjoyed it and were invested, and especially love hearing what spoke to you! Thank you for taking the time to encourage me.
1/15/22, 12:35 PM
Please say theres more to come! awesome series
1/15/22, 9:50 AM
Please Continue!
1/15/22, 9:10 AM
really cool, bro!!
1/15/22, 7:37 AM
loved it, a sequel would definitely be welcomed!!
1/14/22, 4:02 PM
Hopefully all the positive reviews of this story help keep you inspired and eager to write more. You've done a terrific job of growing Bo and Chance into more nuanced characters. Please continue their stories: they have so much to offer! And, obviously, thank you for the laughs and the orgasms. The Chinatown moment was delightful. When will those eggs inside Chance hatch? Goodness knows they'll all be amply fertilized almost immediately. What will Bo and Chance be like as foster-faerents?

1/15/22, 2:21 AM
@TheD These positive reviews definitely inspire and encourage me to keep writing! I'm so glad to hear that you're interested in hearing more about those two and their adventures! Thanks for pulling out some of your favourite moments for me -- I love to hear what you've enjoyed and what I might consider picking up for next time. I don't think I've finished with these two yet.
1/14/22, 10:37 PM
It was a little confusing to read with the POV going back and forth quite a few times, but the kinks really did it for me! You pushed a lot of good buttons for me, especially with the ritual spells to keep them unaware of the situation, molding their minds to see all their behavior as normal and to actively participate in it! For me, you really sold me when they were asked/obliviously manipulated into stripping down to their underwear and having completely normal masturbation sessions in front of each other! Can't wait to see more!
1/13/22, 5:10 AM
Good chapter. Waiting eagerly for next installment. Liked DeShawn's personal story.

1/14/22, 8:22 PM
@Luke J Jr Great to have you on board!