Recent Comments

3/13/22, 9:43 PM
I'm actually happy with this ending, they were both able to get something from the dom/sub dynamic but they were able to realise that it wasn't good for them. A great story will defiantly be reading your other story and any stories that may come after that.

3/13/22, 10:53 PM
@Bunny0Boi Aww thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the ending. Great to have you on board, and hope you will enjoy reading my other stories too.
3/13/22, 2:10 PM
Oh my god this is so hot and *cute*—I’m really excited to follow this one! I can’t wait for more.

3/13/22, 5:57 PM
@Soren Fitz thanks bud!
3/13/22, 1:36 PM
Once again another hot as fuck story.

3/13/22, 5:57 PM
@Cracker awww thanks
3/13/22, 7:28 AM
SO glad to see this story here!

3/13/22, 5:56 PM
@stimle thanks bud
3/12/22, 1:41 AM
So hot!
3/11/22, 9:18 PM
Love this. Top pov and rimming. It's quite perfect.
1/24/22, 12:30 PM
i wonder when will thos be continued

3/11/22, 5:29 PM
@Erratic101, sorry for the delay! I'm not sure when the next one will be posted as I'm currently working on getting the outline completed so writing can go a bit more smoothly in the future, new stories for this site and others, and battling writers block/burning out. please be patient with me and thanks so much for sticking with the story!
2/5/22, 5:26 AM
I'm finally caught up again. Such a great story! can't wait to see all the happy family together. Family nights are about to get A LOT more fun

3/11/22, 5:26 PM
@Elm, thank you so much! I have some very interesting combinations planned for the future, so look forward to it ;)
3/11/22, 6:08 AM
I parachuted into this story and now I'm completely hooked. It's a shame it's been a LONG time since the last update, but I'll keep hope that it hasn't been abandoned and will eventually have the sequel.

3/11/22, 5:25 PM
@NeNekoKun, I'm so glad you like the story so far! And don't despair, I haven't abandoned it. This isn't the only project I'm currently working on, but I AM working on it. I know right now it doesn't seem like it and how frustrating it is. I'm so sorry for the wait. I can say that the outline for this series (which I'm still working on) is LONG, which means you have many more chapters to look forward to! I just have to write them first, and while that might take some more time, they will be posted in the end. Please be patient with me, and thank you for the comment and the support! :D
3/11/22, 10:07 AM
Jack claims another victory on and off the ball field