Recent Comments

11/17/22, 5:22 PM
Hi, Hi, Hi! Even if you write something a reader suggested, SuperLex, you have an intriguing way of totally making it your own. Your mad skills of imagination to quill & paper to final published work(s) are amazing! ✒📋 I'm just too, too excited for the installment! Ughhhhhhh... be tonight, already! Cheers, Buddy! 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

11/17/22, 6:45 PM
@[Zai](/user/show/1897690) C&C ZAI! All I can say to your humbling comment is....I do my BEST, Kind Sir!:blush: You made my Day w/your kind words....Enjoy Ch. 21!! Now, I must get started on Chapter 22!! DA PRESSURE!!:thinking: Have a GR8 one, my friend!:innocent:
11/17/22, 5:14 PM
*Goooooddddd morning, Vietnam!* Opps, lol, got real life mixed up with film stuff... Good day, SuperDude! No specifics, but do you live on the East coast, Midlands, or Westside, USA? Or are you now an international SuperDude? I'm curious about your time zone. Yay! I'll be reading the new chapter tonight! You have my curiosity boiling over imaging just what Lex has con'cock'ted (concocted) for his bois... the perv, lol, lol, lol! Have a fantastic day, my friend! 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

11/17/22, 6:42 PM
@[Zai](/user/show/1897690) Ciao ZAI! I live on the East Coast, in a VERY sunny/warm area of that coast, kind Sir!!:sun_with_face: So glad 2 hear that you're "carving out some time" to read the NEW Chapter...hope U Enjoy!! Have a SUPA-sonic Day!:zap:
11/17/22, 4:44 PM
Lex says "Rico! I didn't tell you to do that! Don't make me dock your pay!" :wink:

11/17/22, 5:04 PM
@[anarchomegalomaniac](/user/show/907794) HAHA Anarchomegalomaniac!! That's HYSTERICAL!! Your comment "is SO on the :money_mouth_face:!!! HAPPY 2 surmise that you're STILL enjoying the storyline!!:smiley: Truth be told...this "unexpected TWIST" happened as I was "putting the final tweaks" on the installment last evening (& I EVEN shocked myself!!)! :rofl: SO...believe me, LEX is "still in SHOCK" from it & he will NOT be HAPPY (to be revealed in the next chapter)!!!:rage: THANKS 4 making me TRULY LOL this AM!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Have a SUPA-SIZED FUN Day!:innocent:
11/17/22, 6:43 AM
*shakes head...* Lex, Lex, Lex! C'mon, duuuuuuuuuudddee!!! You and your dang curveballs, lol! ⚾️ *tsk, tsk, tsk...* Although some of those *balls* are exciting and quite inventive! 😜 Looking forward to any and all *BALLS* in chapter 21, SuperDude! ⚽️⚾️🏐🏈 Cheers, mate!

11/17/22, 4:56 PM
@[Zai](/user/show/1897690) HAHA ZAI!! U know me too well, kind Sir! Curveballs are-a-CUMMIN, my friend-- Chapter 21 is UP-n-READY 2 READ!!:smiling_imp: I surprised myself with a curveball :smirk_cat:as I was putting "the final tweaks" on PART 21...Hope U Enjoy it!! C&C!!:innocent:
11/17/22, 7:05 AM
*joyful lol'ing* SuperDude! You're awaiting a big reveal during a critical scene concerning Batsy's pre-Rico all out assault on his virgin vs. non-virgin status, huh? Because you're avoiding my queries, lol. That's cool, that's okay, man. *giving you quite the stink-eye... lol...* Yeah, I never want to step on writer's toes or insult in any way. Glad you're so awesome! *cheers & claps... 👏🏻* I'm chomping on the proverbial bit for so much; guessing where you're taking all our bois & men. One thing I'd enjoy, as I wrote before, is that our delicious Batsy-boi-Bitch remains just that. No matter who's cock(s) he's servicing. I'm also pleased you mentioned some romance feels for SupaSweet-boi. Ultimately, I admit that I've enjoyed lots of the kinky shite you've introduced to the MsnofsteelSlave, but the hero/ex-hero deserves some soft-serve loving, too! And I'm not referring to soft dicks, lol, lol, lol! Later, Gator! You're always a blast, SuperFriend! 💣💥💣💥💣💥💣💥💣💥💣💥💣💥

11/17/22, 4:50 PM
@[Zai](/user/show/1897690) Guttentaag ZAI!!'re SO funny, my friend! Truth be told, I WAS indeed "holdin back" on "spilling ANY spoilers" on BATMAN, RICO (or the like) just yet (as they are STILL unravelling in my own head, kind Sir!)! Last night, as I was "putting the final tweaks" on Chapter 21 (which is NOW up 4 your reading pleasure!), I actually SURPRISED/SHOCKED myself, in that I threw myself (& Lex) & unexpected curveball, that I think will throw ALL readers (incl. YOU, Sir!) 4 a GRAND "Loop de Loop"!!:smiling_imp: IN FACT, there's a couple of them, but you'd already "deduced with your ASTUTE mind" to one of them, so it might not be "as BIG of a surprise" to you, personally, but the 2nd DEF will!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ROMANCE will be ABLOOM soon!!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Have a FAB-tastic SUPA-day, my friend!:sun_with_face:
11/17/22, 7:23 AM
Yo! Super! Lex! Dude! Oh yeah, as I wrote, I realize it's all part of Lex' nefarious grand scheme. The villainous tyrant is enjoying his many triumphs over Superman AND the other men to bois he's bitched. *much of an ego, Lex???* All cards on the table? I know that Lex harbours years of resentments towards Supes, but the bald stud has shown his soft under belly a wee bit towards Python. Maybe over time, those feels can expand to SupaSucknFuckSlave, too! *I'm an open optimist, lol...* Adios, Amigo! 😁

11/17/22, 4:39 PM
@[Zai](/user/show/1897690) Ciao ZAI!! Just wait til you read the NEWEST chapter (Part 21-- which was JUST released!)...Lex throws another "curveball" @Supes (& Python) in the "Room Of DUAL DENIAL" & the "unexpected" happens!!:scream: It EVEN surprised me, as it happened in my process of writing it! Hope U ENJOY-- Have a SUPA day!!:smiling_imp:
11/17/22, 2:57 PM
Really enjoying this!
11/17/22, 11:43 AM
Fantastic, great to see the pictures fitting in with the story, as hot as hell
11/17/22, 1:26 AM
Please learn how to use quotation marks for dialogue.

11/17/22, 8:16 AM
@[Blank_slate](/user/show/10007593) Will do lol, I'll see how it's done on other stories and try to learn from it. If you have an example I'd gladly take it