Recent Comments

4/5/23, 10:53 PM
Are the purple drones Noah and Danial?
4/5/23, 4:29 PM
Waiting to see what happens when the military go in. Will they be any match for the drones, or will they just further swell the rubbered ranks?:black_heart:

4/5/23, 10:50 PM
@[U.K. guy](/user/show/1944978) Tune in next time to find out.
4/5/23, 2:24 PM
Oh hey, definative proof that Todd is a lying sack of crap and COULD undo the process of he wanted. Unfortunately, with two chapters left, and those chapter names, i don't see him getting his comupance anytime soon. :slightly_frowning_face: Great story, i care all of these dudes and hate Todd for doing this to them. Keep up the good work.

4/5/23, 10:49 PM
@[BlindSeer0](/user/show/381024) Don't loose hope yet. My final 3 chapters will be mammoths like this one.
4/5/23, 2:52 PM
Always ready for more of Jake's misery
4/5/23, 2:10 PM
I somehow missed this chapter when it came out...but it's def my fave!!
4/3/23, 5:20 AM
I'm okay if they are forcefully changed and not for being a willing participant in the changed. Mind control in general loses it's flair when they're willing and consenting because then it's not mind control, there would be no need for it! Some people have a high horse about certain subject matter or consent on this site. Some claim to have been reading here for years. I point of that the original site, and whose stories still exist on here, almost all center around an asshole forcefully being made into something they're not and often forced homosexual acts. Like one writer on here once took shots at several writers due to their non-consensual and/or content subject matter and called them deranged and needing professional help or tipped of to the police. While claiming his stuff to be consensual. I had to point out in 2 of his stories no one gave full consent and not one of the 5 characters express homosexuality before the events and only 2 came out in a way as gay/bi. 2 of them was described to walking away in uncomfortable silence after playing gay schoolboys with their friend. I even copied and pasted parts of his story where they painted themselves as hetero at the start and only doing gay acts did they realize it was part of them or come around after the fact, or if they clarified it at all. I'm like how lucky in all of these scenarios did they somehow all have a deep dark secret of homosexuality they was keeping from each other. He claimed I was taking it to literally and he didn't do anywhere near the psychological damage as some of these characters. I'm like forcing people to play gay sex games with friends for days isn't something deeply psychological. To which they claimed everyone was willing and would have done these takes. Then we get in the circle of how 2 of the 3 are never classified as gay at any point and in fact give several examples that goes against this and then leads to the same arguments. From the story subject though I personally like to see Matt try to argue his way out of it a bit more or try to put his foot down. Only for Oliver to be like no your not getting that cage off.

4/3/23, 11:20 AM
@[nerdysuitedbaby](/user/show/164769) I agree with the general sentiment of your posting. NCMC and GaySpiralStories are all about non-con, and as the stories are always in the realm of fantasy (as real mind control as described in the stories is, thankfully, not really possible yet), this is fine and what the sites are about. It changed a bit as we opened the sites to include more varied stories, which don't necessarily contain fantastic mind control, like BDSM themes. And for these, we have to be a bit more careful. A clearly realistic rape story, which would describe things that (can) happen for real, is something we don't like to have on the site. We try to block them, but sometimes a story is walking a thin line. In general, I prefer to decide in favor of the story. Because I just don't like to censor fantasy.

4/3/23, 12:17 PM
@[Martin](/user/show/125990) Of course, I would never write a realistic rape story. Even if my story doesn't include mind control or hypnosis, it's still clearly fantasy. I can understand that the relationship might resemble a (psychologically) abusive relationship. Maybe I didn't express it well, but my intention was to show Matt get more in touch with his submissive side (which was already there) **willingly**, obviously with Oliver's help. That's why it feels like he gives in a little too easily, because he likes it. Think of it less abusive, more like a consensual bdsm relationship. I'll try to make that more clear in the next part. Still, I didn't think my story would be so polemic, I mean, there are literal incest and rape stories on this site (even if they include fantastic elements) that I thought would be more triggering than mine. Anyway, thanks for your comments, I'll always appreciate constructive criticism :)

4/3/23, 12:30 PM
@[formalboy](/user/show/10030609) > I can understand that the relationship might resemble a (psychologically) abusive relationship. Maybe I didn’t express it well, but my intention was to show Matt get more in touch with his submissive side (which was already there) willingly, obviously with Oliver’s help. That’s why it feels like he gives in a little too easily, because he likes it. Think of it less abusive, more like a consensual bdsm relationship. I’ll try to make that more clear in the next part. I think that's exactly what BDSM is about, and actually there are 1000s of books and even films about that (like the infamous "50 Shades of Grey"). So we shouldn't be holier that the pope himself on this.

4/3/23, 1:53 PM
@[formalboy](/user/show/10030609) I personally don't like where these kind of stories will lead to, or at least where I think it will lead to. I have an inching feeling that despite blabbering about "love" and "what good", Oliver will see Matt no more than a servant, a convenient cleaning object and disregard him totally, then look for a new "real" boyfriend "worthy" to be his equal. I might be wrong, afterall I'm not the one to decide how this story will go; still, I feel like it will be very likely. Putting that aside, the reason I don't like those like Oliver is their falsity and pretentious. They justify their actions with "what's best for him", "it's justice, he deserves that (he abused my bros)", "he must have wanted that", ect... but they intentionally ignore that it's not their place to decide what's best (and they jeopardice their subject's future in favor of their dominion anyway), that their side is not so innocent (their bros are abusers themselves), that the must-have-wanted-it haven't got a say in,... They justify themselves, but it's all false. They desire someone, something and they have the power or be in the position to take it, so they take it. It's all about them. Right or wrong, legal or illegal, all theirs. However they don't have the guts to admit it and must hide behind the pretention. A bunch of cowards, despite their self-claiming to be superiors, cannot stand to face the truth about themselves and own up to their actions, some are even irresponsible with their subjects and results of their doing. If you're a devil, be a devil; don't put a white cloth on and fool yourself an angel. Not all of the above are about your work here, of course. Just a related topic and I got rambling on for a bit.

4/3/23, 2:15 PM
@[StalkerInTheShadow](/user/show/10009319) I don’t want to be seen as weighing in here because I don’t have a strong feeling on this story one way or the other. That being said, I can see there is some talking past one another going on here. What I’m hearing is that the triggering aspect of this story is not the guy being turned into a servant. It’s specifically the rationalizations of the dominant character. It’s irksome to me too. He’s delusional and dishonest even with himself. His rationalizations are not appealing, they are actually off putting. It’s easier to look past if you accept that he is the villain, and like most real life villains he doesn’t see himself as one. In most mind control stories we get the submissive pov and are not treated to the inner mind of the controller. If we did, I think more of these stories would be rather off putting.

4/3/23, 3:39 PM
@[amul](/user/show/10003734) I didn't even think about it, but you're right. Most stories here have the fantasy element, so they don't need that rationalization from the characters. I included Oliver's perspective to make it realistic, not to justify him. Just like Matt undergoes a transformation, I felt like Oliver should too. I get that it can be a little off putting, but it's still just a fictional character in a fetish story, it's just not that deep haha

4/5/23, 1:19 PM
@[amul](/user/show/10003734) @[StalkerInTheShadow](/user/show/10009319) I fully agree with both of you. I think part of it is that we are all acquainted with gaslighting to some extent, and the lack of fantastical element creates some sort of an uncanny valley. On the one hand this is only a story, on the other, it _can_ happen. That's not to say that you can't write this kind of stories or that all stories here must be unrealistic, I'm just trying to add to the discussion.
Mar 31, 2023
4/5/23, 7:29 AM
Your creativity, as always, is off the charts! Every one of your stories is something I've never read before and it's always exciting.
4/5/23, 5:13 AM
Holy goddamn that’s hot
4/5/23, 3:46 AM
The sex and the sub-dom play have been so, so hot, loving this one so far! Also, that moment when Conner starts to figure out something's up with Justin and then the action pops off before he can really think about it... delicious. Excited to see how it develops. Maybe the teleporter is on to something?
4/4/23, 10:36 PM
Yes potential Skippy & Sparky relationship build!